Visiting address

Viale Ungheria, 84


Zagarolo (Rome)

Postal address

Viale Ungheria, 84

Zagarolo (Rome) , 00039



Tel +39 06 95 76 245

Fax +39 06 95 24 198

Contact person

Association information

Italian Parking Association

AIPARK is the National Association of the parking industry and is the result of the merger between AICOPARK and AIP, trade associations that are operating since 1991.

From 1 January 1999 AIPARK represents the most important operators in the sector at the national level, and has more than a hundred ordinary members (companies or special SpA municipal, public companies, dealers and private operators) and extraordinary members (the largest producers of specialized plant engineering industry, industry professionals and  manufacturers and representatives of local governments).

AIPARK represents about 500,000 parking spaces managed - in surface and structure.